Venture Capital

Investo is a seed capital company that invests financial and intellectual capital into new technologic companies. It offers founders access to counseling 24 hours a day, helping them extend their business, as well as providing key talent that they may require. The company has the objective of boosting the most promising projects and providing support in their stage of growth.  

  • Year of investment: 2015
  • Fund: I
  • Presence: United States, Mexico
  • Industry: Venture Capital and Private Equity 

Venture Capital

Investo es una empresa de capital semilla que invierte capital financiero e intelectual en nuevas empresas tecnológicas. Ofrece a los fundadores acceso a los consejos las 24 horas, ayudándoles a ampliar sus negocios, así como a proporcionarles el talento clave que puedan necesitar. 

  • Año de inversión: 2015
  • Fondo: I
  • Presencia: Estados Unidos, México
  • Industria: Venture Capital y Private Equity